Monday, April 26, 2010

Writing Madness!

The last few days have come like a furious wind of inspiration. It's amazing to me how it all got started.

I've been working on a vampire story as many of my friends have heard me speak about. It's also a series of works that will inter-relate to each other. The first book basically sets up the series so it has been you could say my baby.

I've shared it with only a limited few. But it's not completed because although I know the direction I became stuck and so I gave it a rest while other stories began to filter through me.

Anyway there is two directions I could take the main character. I am at this turning point and it's also a reason for the stall. I listened to my friend speak so passionately about the characters that it actually made up my mind in what direction they will go in. Because I knew if I wrote one direction he'd be happy and so would a lot of other people and if I went in the opposite direction as I had been thinking of he'd be disappointed along with many other readers.

So I sit down and begin typing away and suddenly the words began to flow and the story moved in a very unexpected turn of events in my head. Something I hadn't even considered suddenly came full force in front of me and this actually brought the story full circle.

This is the stuff I love when I write. When the unexpected suddenly says HERE I AM and it works.

So I had just finished chapter 18 and had played with 19 a bit. Now I go back and edit chapters 17 - 19 and wrote 20, 21, 22, 23 and started 24 this morning! Woooo that's what I'm talking about! Inspiration and Writing Madness!

That's also why I've not blogged for a couple days. Between writing and family visiting from out of town I was kept quite busy!

I like busy. :)

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