Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Ok I'm once again inspired as I write!

I Love It!

Eshe is moving forward even though it feels slow. But yesterday and today, BAM. It's flowing. Drives me crazy when I have to drive my daughter to school and dialogue is running through my head and I can't write it all down because I'm driving.

I know, I should record it right? I tried that before and at the time it didn't work for me.
Well at least when i made it home I pulled out the laptop and was able to get it all down and it sounded even better than in my head.

I was thinking too about writers who inspire me and I want to mention Christine Feehan. I think she is an amazing writer and I just joined her fan site and it has a member only section which is fabulous. If you've not read her stuff, please do! I discovered as I filled out some of the member info that I've actually read 24 of her books. I was shocked because I was thinking only about 10. Anyway she is an amazing writer and if you're into paranormal romance or just romance give her a read. I know you will not be disappointed.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Twitter & Poems

Ok I'm on Twitter now too. Damaris on Twitter! An interesting experience for me. I'm enjoying it so far.

I published a book of poems. Poetry from the Darkside - Erotic Dreams.

I'm still working on Eshe but I've had some busy time in RL that has slowed the progression down, but I'm still moving forward.

I'm also looking at publishing one of my novella's as an E-Book. A few of my friends think that it's an excellent way to go. Only time will tell. :)