Wednesday, September 26, 2012

New Author - M.A. Abraham

I first became acquainted with M. A. Abraham from ChristineFeehan’s members only website. We both are big fans of Christine’s. Neither one of us had released or published a book yet. I think I ended up publishing mine either right before we met or shortly after. I honestly do not remember, but what I do remember is her love of elves. She had so many wonderful graphics/pics of elves. If I ever wanted to look at a gorgeous elf – male or female I knew who to go to.

So was I surprised to see she wrote about elves? Uh… no. In fact we share in this love of elves. The interesting part to me is, I never really read stories with elves. I always made them up in my head, so other than Lord of the Rings I’ve never read elf stories until her book Gabriel, Elven Chronicles. Since then I’ve read everything she’s released because I love her stories. I love her characters even when they drive me crazy, like Eden did in her first book. Uh I think I even made a remark I’d like to have tied her up with that elven rope myself. :)

I guess that’s perhaps one of the good aspects to reading a story. When a character moves you to want to smack them or something. For an example, my daughter is watching Dallas (original series) with me and before we got to the point he was shot… she was ready to shoot him. Haha. I mean let’s get real sometimes we love a character just because they annoy us.

Eden was that way for me. I loved her but man she annoyed me. It really added the aspect of falling more for Gabriel and wanting to tie up Eden so she would allow Gabriel his love. Now whether or not that was the desired affect M.A. was going for I cannot say. I’m sure she was just being true to Eden’s strong willed character. Which is actually an endearing quality.

Since her first release, M.A. has taken us through several more of her Elven stories. Tying up loose ends, throwing us more lines to follow all the while giving us a glimpse into a unique world of Elves, Fae, Nymphs and M.A. only knows what else.

I was able to interview M.A. and tomorrow I will post my interview with her. Please come back and take a look and see inside her writing.


  1. Eden is a young Elven female who is very complex. She takes her responsibilities very seriously, and because she has done it all of her life, no one expects any less from her. She is also at the point in her life where fate is beginning to throw her a few curves. The power of a Tratchar can be all consuming... add to that a powerful Elven Life Mate?

    1. I just wanted to thank you again for taking the time to discuss your writing and your books. I look forward to the next. :)

  2. Many things you wrote can be applied to me too... :D
    I met Mary Ann the same place. I didn't read to many elf stories before and what I read were portraying Elves as villains. I fell in love with her books, and not just the Elven Chronicles. I hope she will keep writing for a long time!

    1. I agree! I hope she keeps right on writing and publishing so we all can enjoy her word.
